It’s time to start thinking ahead and join the solar movement

By installing a Solar PV system you can ensure an environmentally / greener way to power your home. Many people who switch to solar can see savings of up to 50% on their current electricity bills. The installation process is very quick and easy, at the end of this all you will enjoy a silent maintenance free system with an improved BER rating.

Are you Eligible for a Grant?

Complete our short survey to learn whether your house is eligible for a SEIA Home Energy Grant

Solar Photovoltaic Panel Electricity

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) modules are panels that use solar energy to produce electricity. The panels are able to generate DC electricity when they are directly exposed to a sun light source.

A typical installation can be completed in one working day on any domestic property. The fact that most of the work is conducted outside allows for no major disruption to the home life.

Depending on your heating system, a Solar PV system can include a diverter component which will direct extra solar electricity collected to an immersion heater. This is an added benefit as it is a free source of hot water and no spillage to the grid.

Hot Water Solar Thermal Collectors

Solar Thermal Collectors or Solar Hot Water Collectors are a range of technologies which transform the energy from the sun into hot water. In most cases a well-installed systems can provide up to 60% of a homes annual hot water demand.

A typical installation can be completed in one working day on any domestic property. The fact that most of the work is conducted outside allows for no major disruption to the home life.

Hot Water Heating

Solar PV will not only produce electricity for all of your home, when there is an excess of supply of collected energy, it will heat your water before being exported to the grid.

Guaranteed Electricity Source

We source Solar PV systems with multiple warranty options. This will ensure however long you have the system in place, that you will be getting a free supply of electricity.

Environmentally Friendly

Nowadays we are all aware of the impact we have on climate change. One of the added benefits of a Solar PV system is knowing that you are helping the environment while you save money.

Better Home Grants Available

Bayview Contracts are SEAI Registered Contractors and an official Electric Ireland Energy Efficiency Partner. As a result, our services come with the added benefit of allowing our customers to avail of substantial grants and incentives for their home upgrade.

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) will reward any Bayview Contracts customers who are passionate about increasing the energy efficiency of their homes. This reward will come in the form of a cash grant.

In addition to this, there are further grants available across all of our energy upgrade services.